Thursday, April 5, 2007

Post OP

I was really groogy when I awoke from being under anaesthesia.  I really wasn't awake.. I was coming out being drugged. I felt myself gag automatically with no warning.   Even though I had no food in my stomach, I remember waking up and vomiting..I felt my head turn to the right side and then the left, spitting up. Then I heard nurses voices and I felt asleep.  I am not sure how long I was asleep,
I heard a nurses voice trying to awake me and I opened my eyes.. I looked around and I feel out.  Right then I heard a voice say "Gosh! She is out like a light". Then after a while, not sure again how long it was, I finally started waking up. I was feeling nauseated and I was in that  "holding room"  as before.  I didn't feel pain even though I was prepared to. I felt sick to my stomach and they
gave me something for it and it made it instantly better. They put a breathing tube down my throat and that hurt the most. Considering I was just cut on. I was thinking that tonight I was really going to feel it once the medicine has worn off.   Once I was completely awake they took me to another room, where I was there alone. It had a bed, tv and chair. My husband and family came back to see
how I was doing, I was still coming out of the effects of the anesthesia and I was still a little nauseated.  Beside my bed, I had graham crackers, peanut butter, seven up.. My mother came in with a
pretty candle.  The nurse eventually came in and asked if I needed to go to the bathroom.. Which I did. I forgot!  Anyway, she helped me to the toilet, undress and go. It wasn't difficult to get out of the bed, but I felt a dizzy but not in pain.  I would have thought that I would feel pretty weird with a stranger helping me in such an "intimate" situation but I really didn't care.  I laid in the bed for a couple of hours, I felt pretty good and ready to go home except for a scratchy throat.  I finally was ready to go home and when I go to the car I had to kind of lay down in the passenger seat and not sit up because that did hurt.

More later..

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