Wednesday, August 29, 2007

My Second Attempt

Ok. I had an appointment at 7 a.m. in the morning and my doctor didn't do the IUI and other lady... Nurse?  did it.. She was very nice..

(I know the now)

Get undress the waist down.

lie on the table with your legs in the stirups... scoot to the end and you bottom is in the air.


She uses that thing to open you up (speculum?).. she had to change it because she said the first one she picked was too short and she said some women has long vaginal areas...

anyway, she did the normal "pap smear" thing .... and used a swab to do something, then she took the sperm in the tube and inserted it..

she was telling me that the vaginal area - cervix has a lot of groves, canals.... so she needed to put it in the right area.  She elevated my hips to smooth out the area... and then used her hand to press on my abdomen.. she said sometimes this helps... to smooth the area so that she can get the tube in the correct place.

When she released the sperm

it was so strange. I could feel it...almost like water or something...

She said that would probably cramp a little, but take tylenol...

She was done..

I laid there for about 10 minutes with my hips elevated... and she came in and told me that the sperm looked really really good and she will keep her fingers crossed. She said that she hoped it definitely
works considering the amount of money... I have to invest..

So I left and got into my car and went to work...  It doesn't take a long time.

She told me to call back today and schedule projesterone..checkup.  I have to come in for a blood test.

Then I can test for pregnancy....10 to 14 days from now..

That is right on my birthday weekend......37 years old..


I am not testing until the 10th or later.....

I can wait..

I can wait if it is bad news..

I am going to relax... and try not let things get to me..

Stay quiet.. and hopefully it will work.

I have to cross my fingers and toes...

I want to have at least two children... Hopefully before 40.

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